About Us
Our founders started their technology life as postmasters at two major brand-name "dial-up" online services (remember those days?) and learned just about everything one could learn when it came to getting message A over to recipient B. Throughout the years they helped tens of thousands of large and small companies understand how to get their email delivered. After spending 25 years in the ISP business, the "dynamic duo" took a break and went about their lives, raising their children, enjoying time with family and friends, and getting to catch-up on life after the hectic postmaster lifestyle. Anyone that is absorbed with technoology understands what it means to get "restless" so yers later they started consulting and helping companies understand deliverability and all the innerworkings of gateways, postmasters, and blacklists. Later, they went on to make ListWorker because there was and is a heavy need for assistance with getting email delivered. Nobody seems to do it right these days so ListWorker was created to make sure very company has the best education on how to get email delivered properly and professionally.
The team at ListWorker is hand-picked to bring all of the best brains in the industry together under one roof to run a highly technical yet easy-to-understand service for companies worldwide. Not only is our full-time team the best-of-the-best but we have routine calls with "home groups" that are overseas so we can keep up with the ever changing international landscape of email delivery. Everyone at ListWorker loves what they do and loves to come to work and that's not an easy thing these days. Everyone here loves to give customers the very best education in deliverability while explaining things in easy-to-understand tersm so anyone can understand what is causing their email troubles.
The Team
We hire only the highest quality, most brilliant people at ListWorker. Many of our team are located around the world so time zones mean nothing and that means we can support you virtually around the clock. Here is a handful of our staff...
Greg is an MIT grad who spent the past 25 years immersed in data and data technologies. His experience with data mining, data manipulation, and granular data technology gives our team the advantage we need to always stay on top. Greg speaks five languages which is a big asset for us when selling internationally. He likes to talk to complete strangers to learn about their story. Greg is one of those leaders that everyone wants to be around due to his friendly nnature and willingness to share his knowledge. He loves sunglasses more than anyone we have ever known, and we think he may even wear them while he sleeps. In his spare time he loves racing sprint cars. Hometown: Washington DC. Favorite Music: Steely Dan Favorite Food: Wings, extra hot.

Greg Jones
Programmer / Tech-Guru
Amy is the leader of our marketing department. If she doesn't have a manilla folder in her hand, something is wrong. Amy's ability to uncover new markets for our services as well as her unique ability to reverse-engineer any project we are working on and find it's true marketing potential is, well, amazing. Her energy in keeping projects at full speed is why we do so well. Hometown: Tampa, FL. Favorite music: Jazz Favorite Food: Anything from Panera.

Amy M. Berry
Heather has been coding since, as she says, the dawn of computers. She started with Cobol and Fortran, moved "up" to assembler, and then stepped into the world of scripting with VB and Visual C++. Today she is in love with scripting languages of all kinds, and she is fluent in almost all of them. Heather has the uncanny ability to understand the task at hand before you even finishing telling her the plan. We call her our superhero because she is always there when we need her. She brings the feeling of "family" to our team and we cherish her greatly. Be sure you bring your A-game if you want to talk about technology, she lives it. Heather is also the only person we know with over 20 pair of glasses, 30 pair of sunglasses, and she even breaks out a monocle when she's deep into coding. Hometown: San Diego, CA. Favorite music: Amy Winehouse. Favorite Food: Pizza.

Heather R. Thompson
Dave has been in sales since birth. If it's not selling it, he's figuring out how to sell it. Dave is routinely seen on a popular TV-network cooking channel as a featured promoter of brand-name bakeware, and he is writing a book on how to sell to the toughest buyer. Dave has been with us since the beginning and he is instrumental to our success. His kindness is one of the most beautiful aspects of his life. He works with homeless and less fortunate individuals on ways to get back on their feet, and his love for life is quite evident. Our clients love Dave because he freuqently checks-in in on them and always seems to remember something personal about them which everyone loves. If you haven't met Dave yet, chances are pretty good you will soon.

Dave Williams
Head of Sales
Carl has been with us since the beginning. He is the person who put our entire database system together in a way we can scale with no limits. That was a task Carl loved to take on and he did it well. His specialties are AI-based SQL systems that integrate with dozens of 3rd party data sources to help keep information in our tables up-to-the-second fresh. Carl loves automation and he enjoys designing and automating dissimiliar systems, even ones that have no internet access (that is a challenge he has overcome). He is integral to our operation and our team and his nonstop humor and way of making every challenge into a fun adventure makes every day go by with a smile. Hometown: Boston, MA Favorite music: Frank Sinatra era Favorite food: Indian.

Carl R. Keys
Database Wizard
Kim has one of the sharpest minds around. If you get the pleasure of talking with Kim you can test out her language skills. She is fluent in English, French, Spanish, Mandarin Chinese, and Italian. Amazing, to say the least. Kim's specialities are UI design, java, Azure Machine Learning, and TensorFlow. She can take the most complex ideas ever imagined and turn them into error-free SAAS or PAAS utilities. Kim is an incredibly gifted person. Fun fact: Kim was one of the top three volleyball players in her university, she loves marathons, and her relaxing hobby is riding class IV whitewater. Hometown: Laguna Beach, CA Favorite music: Country. Favorite food: Wings.

Kim Miller
Account Services
Don is our go-to guy for new account setups, customer service work, new service, and technical support oversight. Don's job is to make sure that if you have a question, the right person gets that question so the answer is correct the first time. Don is a very easy going person and loves to get everyone involved in solving problems, if they arise, quickly. Don setup and manages our help desk system and is often the friendly voice you hear on the phone when we call (yes, we actually call our clients to check in and see what we can do to help.) Don is learning to be a private pilot and in his other free time he makes mens wedding rings out of old silver coins. Hometown: Atlanta, GA. Favorite music: Country. Favorite food: Wings.

Don T. Miller
Account Services
Callie is our mascot. She is a 5 year old golden retriever that doesn't know when to stop playing ball. If you are having a bad day - Callie comes to the rescue with licks and love. She attends all of our staff meetings and always gets the last say at the end of the day. Every office needs a pet, they bring positive energy to every situation and they can sense when you are having a bad day and will help to make it better. Hometown: Washington DC. Favorite Music: Anything. Favorite Food: Peanut Butter and Crackers.